Hypnobabies® Childbirth Hypnosis
Medical-Grade Hypnosis for Childbirth
Hypnobabies uses therapeutic, medical-grade hypnosis techniques so that our birthing students/mothers experience fewer complications, generally shorter labors, and easier births. Most of them also have much more energy while they give birth, and typically they have an easier postpartum period.
The Unique Benefits of Hypnobabies®:
Complete childbirth education and preparation for a natural birth which covers – Nutrition, Exercise, Staying Healthy and Low Risk, Stages of Birthing, Doulas, Comfort in Pregnancy, Birth Plans, Postpartum and Baby Care and much more.
With the use of hypnosis techniques, the birthing environment is much calmer and more peaceful for everyone involved, including medical staff, since our Hypnobabies students are more comfortable and confident.
Many Hypno-babies are born gently without drugs in their systems, so they are more alert and able to breastfeed immediately after they are born.
Breech and posterior babies can sometimes be turned using hypnosis!
Often times, blood pressure, heart rate, and temperature can be lowered and nausea, back and hip pain eliminated with hypnosis during pregnancy and birthing.
There are fewer interventions for failure to progress, and therefore fewer fetal and maternal complications during birthing.
Class Details
Upcoming Classes & Class Options
Self-hypnosis teaches us to relax our minds and bodies completely, while creating soothing endorphins that make us feel great – naturally! That amazingly deep relaxation helps remove tension that often leads to unnecessary pain during birth, as well as unnecessary medical interventions. Hypnosis allows us to reach into our inner minds and literally re-program ourselves to view childbirth as a more comfortable, blissful experience.
2023 Class Schedule
Hypnobabies Childbirth Education is a very successful 6-week complete childbirth education course. Classes are taught in a group setting weekly for 3 hours. Hypnobabies® teaches students how to enjoy “eyes-open childbirth hypnosis” using real, medical-grade somnambulistic hypnosis techniques. This creates an automatically peaceful, relaxing and more comfortable pregnancy, a calm and confident Birth Partner, and an easier, much more comfortable natural birthing for pregnant students.
2023 Private Classes - $925
Individual Sessions are held M, W, or F from 11am - 2pm EST
(Beginning February 2023)
Sessions are held for 6-weeks, 3 hours each week. Interested students must schedule a prospective student consultation to receive enrollment details and reserve class dates. In-Person, Virtual, and Hybrid Classes Available. Students must be local to the DMV area.
2023 Group Classes - $450
Summer 2023
June 24 - July 29, 2023 (Saturday)
Hybrid/In-person Class
10am-1pm EST
8 Spots Available
Fall 2023
September 23 - October 28, 2023 (Saturday)
Virtual Class
10am-1pm EST
8 Spots Available
Group dates are tentative and may change based on enrollment. To learn more about upcoming classes, or to learn more about private classes, book a consultation or email happybrownbaby@gmail.com.
Class Includes:
Hypnobabies education workbook
Hypnobabies home-play/script workbook
Sixteen(16) Hypnobabies hypnosis/relaxation audio tracks for use during pregnancy and your birthing time
Fear Clearing session audio track
Joyful Pregnancy Affirmations and Joyful Birthing Affirmations
Quick Reference booklet
Birth Partner’s guide
Birth Partner’s audio track
Weekly handouts and resources
Weekly class support
Hypnobabies® Childbirth Hypnosis
Serving Families Washington DC / DMV

Hypnobabies® Perspective Student Consultation
Find out if Hypnobabies is right for you. Bring your birth partner, get your questions answered, and learn about the benefits of Hypnobabies® Childbirth Hypnosis and hiring a Hypo-Doula. Book a free mandatory consultation, prior to enrolling in a Hypnobabies class.
Blissful Birthing
Classes held virtually and in-person in Washington DC

Class Outline
Class 1: Introduction to Hypnobabies®
Introduction to Hypnobabies’ Philosophies and Positive Mindset; Mindfulness for Peaceful Birthing; Pregnancy Anatomy and Physiology; Belief Systems; The Power of Words and How They Affect Us; How Your Mind Works – The Conscious and Subconscious; The Mind/Body Connection; What Hypnosis is and is NOT; Demonstrations of Hypnosis; How Fear Affects Comfort and Length of Labor; Fear Clearing for Childbirth; The Importance of Daily Birthing Affirmations; The Gifts Your Body Gives You – Your Beautiful Uterus and How it Works; Creating Your “Mental Lightswitch”. Partner Communication Exercise and the “Contract of Trust”.
Hypnosis Script: “Learning Self-Hypnosis”. (Entering hypnosis on your own and controlling all sensations in your body.)
Class 2: Staying Healthy and Low Risk
Mindfulness for Peaceful Birthing, Part 2; Importance of Diet in Pregnancy; Nutritional Guidelines; The High Protein Advantage; Eggs, Salt and Calcium in Pregnancy; Drinking Water for Two; Avoidance of Harmful Substances; Safe and Comfortable Prenatal Sleeping and Resting Positions; Natural Comfort Measures for Pregnancy; Introduction of the Stages of Labor including the “Baby-Kindness” Stage; New Baby Sensitivity Through Bonding; Using Hypnosis for Pregnancy Discomforts and Health; Prenatal Exercises for Birth; Birth Partner Assistance.
Hypnosis Script: “Creating Anesthesia”. (Modifying your hypnosis to include Hypno-anesthesia and “Eyes-Open Childbirth Hypnosis”.)
Class 3: Your Options in Birthing
Birth Partner’s “Relax and Feel Confident” CD; Mindfulness for Peaceful Birthing, Part 3; The Importance of Making Excellent Birthing Decisions; the “Big Secrets”. Detailed Childbirth Choices – Risks, Benefits and Alternatives for Common Procedures; Getting Informed Consent, Hospital Forms and Your Rights; Questions for Caregivers – Consumer Issues and Positive Communication; Creating the Birth Plan of your Dreams; “Big” Babies; Packing Your Birth Bag; Touring Your Place of Birth; Benefits of a Professional Labor Assistant; “Hypno-Doulas”; Introduction of the book “Back Labor NO More”.
Hypnosis Script: “Hypnotic Childbirth # 1 – Birth Hypnosis Tools”. (Learning cues for deepening hypnosis and anesthesia instantly.)
Class 4: The Onset of Birth
Mindfulness for Peaceful Birthing, Part 4; Your “Guess Date” and Normal Length of Pregnancy; Preparing for your Birthing Day; Signs of Birthing Beginning; Amniotic Membranes Breaking – Your Safe Choices; True vs. “False” Labor; How to Time Your Birthing Waves (contractions); Your Birth Log; When to go to the Birth Place; Automatic Comfort and Relaxation on “The Drive” and Arrival at Your Place of Birth (if out of your home); Hypno-Guardians; Nurses – the Unsung Heroes; Using Hypnosis for Comfort During Internal Exams; Dilation, Effacement, Position and Station of Baby; The Beautiful Progress of Labor, Including Fast , Average and Slow or Stalled Labor; Artificial Induction and Natural Induction Techniques; Creating a Safe and Serene Birthing Environment; Nausea Elimination; Optimum Fetal Positioning.
Hypnosis Script: “Hypnotic Childbirth # 2 – Deepening Your Hypno-Anesthesia.” (Birth Partner Cues for instantly deepening hypnosis and moving anesthesia around to different areas of your body.)
Class 5: Birth Partners, Transformation and Birth
Mindfulness for Peaceful Birthing, Part 5; Birth Partners Training: Your Role During Pregnancy and Birthing Reviewed; How a Labor Assistant Can Help the Hypno-Partner; 4 Pages of Verbal Birthing Cues; Physical Comfort Techniques; the Change of Plans Hypnosis Script.
Late First Stage Labor – Transition…or “Transformation”; Hypnosis Deepening techniques; Trusting in Your Body, Your Mind and your Baby; Protecting the Hypno-Mom!; Effective Positions for Birthing; Benefits and Use of the Birth Ball; Exhale Pushing and Avoiding the “Ring of Fire” with Hypnosis; Safe Birthing of the Placenta; Cord Traction, Pitocin, Post-Partum Choices. Review: Membranes Releasing, Hypnobabies Tools, Using Your Mental Lightswitch, Fear Clearing for Childbirth; Avoiding a Cesarean Section.
Hypnosis practice: Using Hypnobabies in The Moment! Full practice of our Hypnobabies Lightswitch techniques, Peace cue, Release cue, Birth Partner’s cues, and Moving Hypno-Anesthesia Around Your Body.
Class 6: Birthing Your Baby and Beyond
Hypnosis Script: “Visualize (Create!) Your Birth” (a mental practice of labor and birthing that creates your childbirth experience for you exactly as you desire it to be.)
In-depth Birthing Rehearsal using all Hypnobabies Techniques, Birth Balls, Walking, Positional Changes and Eyes Open Childbirth Hypnosis where our Hypno-Moms and Birth Partners practice their Hypnobabies cues and techniques together, in hypnosis, culminating with “giving birth” using Hypno-Anesthesia.
New Baby Care: Baby Kindness, Apgar Scores, Normal Newborn Appearance, and Choices for Baby’s Care including Hospital and Homebirth Newborn Procedures, Bathing..or Not?, Vaccinations, Circumcision and Rooming In. A Good Start with Breastfeeding, Latching, Non-Schedules, BF Resources, Attachment Parenting Information, Slings and Carriers, and much more!